Two-Page Spread

Two Page-Spread

While Reading

  • Title, Author, Number of Pages
  • List the main characters with a short description of each
  • One prediction of something that might happen (20 - 60 words)
  • Describe the setting (1 phrase)
  • Explain the conflict that is emerging (40 - 100 words)
  • List 3 themes
  • Publisher
  • One direct quote from the book that is important or meaningful
  • What is one song that might be playing in the background if this were a movie
  • What might a different title for this novel be?
  • How has one characters perspective/motivation/understanding changed as the story went on? (40 - 100 words)
  • Explain the structure of the book. Why would the author choose to structure the book this way? Does the structure/style/format of the book contribute to the overall meaning or narrative?
  • Were you immediately drawn into this book or not?
  • Respond to this message from a friend using only 3 emoji’s “Hey, how’s that book?”

When Done:

  • Rate the book out of 5 stars
  • What age/grade would you recommend this book to?
  • What is one thing that happened that you did not foresee?-
  • Was your early prediction correct?

Collect all the information above on an 11x17 page, one sided, using illustrations/font/design to add to the overall impact of your work.